Leadership & Management awareness raising sessions
Friday 23 April 2021
10.00-12.30 or 14.00-16.30
A working group of representatives from both voluntary and statutory youth sectors, HEIs, and Education and Training Standards have worked alongside FPM to create a training programme aimed at leaders and aspiring leaders in the field of Youth Work in Wales.
The programme focuses on the practice of leadership and management in services and organisations, providing a framework to explore both themes so that managers are better able to lead, sustain and develop services that enhance the lives of young people.
The event will consist of two elements. Firstly, a presentation providing you with an overview of the course, some background into its development and future steps. Secondly, you will be invited to a breakout room in which you will be asked to consider how you have managed a key leadership issue in the last year.
To confirm your attendance, please email elizabeth.rose@wlga.gov.uk