Workforce Development Plan - Consultation

Consultation Document:

Workforce Development Plan for the Youth Work Sector in Wales


The Youth Work sector in Wales plays a pivotal role in supporting young people to develop their potential, engage with their communities, and access opportunities for education, training, and personal growth. To ensure the sector continues to thrive and meet the evolving needs of young people, the Workforce Development Implementation Participation Group (IPG), which is a subgroup to the Youth Work Strategy Implementation Board, are developing a comprehensive Workforce Development Plan. This plan will outline strategies for recruitment, training, retention, and progression within the sector.

Your input is essential to ensure the plan reflects the diverse perspectives and needs of those working in and benefiting from youth work. This document outlines how you can participate in the consultation process and provide feedback to shape the future of Workforce Development for the Youth Work Sector in Wales.


Objectives of the Workforce Development Plan

With this plan, the objectives are clearly laid out in each topic area, covering:

  1. Youth Work Qualifications and the progression route
  2. Professional Learning for Youth Workers
  3. Meeting the needs of young people through the development of the Workforce
  4. Welsh Language Youth Work
  5. Promoting Youth Work as a career option.


How to Get Involved

We invite all stakeholders, including Youth Work practitioners, employers, young people, leaders and managers, and community members, to participate in the consultation process. Your insights and experiences are invaluable to shaping a plan that is both practical and impactful.

  1. Attend Consultation Events
    • We will host a series of online events to discuss this plan and for you to give your feedback and comments on the proposed plan.
    • Event details and registration links can be found here:
  2. Complete the Online Survey
    • Share your feedback by completing our online survey. The survey is open until 7th February 2024 and is available in both English and Welsh.
    • Access the survey here:
  3. Strategic groups feedback
    • Strategic groups across Wales can submit their feedback and are welcome to email: for a representative to attend and take feedback as a collective.

Key Questions for Consultation

To guide your feedback, we invite you to consider the following questions:




Contact Information

For further information or assistance, please contact us:

Your participation is vital to the success of this plan – thank you for taking the time in completing the consultation.


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